VUB's CDSL is pleased to announce a new H2020 project that was won in the recent (August 2020) security-related calls: LAW-GAME.
LAW-GAME's aim “is to train police officers’ on the procedure, through gamification technologies in a safe and controlled virtual environment. Essential tasks during the creation of LAW-GAME serious game are to virtualise and accurately recreate the real world. We will introduce an attractive approach to the development of core competencies required for performing intelligence analysis, through a series of AI-assisted procedures for crime analysis and prediction of illegal acts, within the LAW-GAME game realm. Building upon an in-depth analysis of police officers’ learning needs, we will develop an advanced learning experience, embedded into 3 comprehensive “gaming modes” dedicated to train police officers and measure their proficiency in: (1) conducting forensic examination, through a one-player or multi-player cooperative gaming scenario, played through the role of a forensics expert. Developed AI tools for evidence recognition and CSI and car accident analysis, will provide guidance to the trainee, (2) effective questioning, threatening, cajoling, persuasion, or negotiation. The trainee will be exposed to the challenges of the police interview tactics and trained to increase her emotional intelligence by interviewing a highly-realistic 3D digital character, advanced with conversational AI, (3) recognizing and mitigating potential terrorist attacks. The trainees will impersonate an intelligence analyst tasked with preventing an impending terrorist attack under a didactic and exciting “bad and good” multiplayer and AI-assisted game experience. The proposed learning experience focuses on the development of the key competences needed for successfully operating in diverse and distributed teams, as required by several cross-organisational and international cooperation situations. The learning methodology developed by the LAW-GAME consortium will be extensively validated by European end-users, in Greece, Lithuania, Romania, Moldavia and Spain.”.
More news on this exciting new project to be shared as soon as they become available!