Horizon GANNDALF Project Launched to Strengthen Cybercrime Detection and Collaboration
On October 16-17, the Horizon GANNDALF project (A Ground-breAking collaboratioN framework realizing the next era of cybercrime Detection And muLti-stakeholder investigation For LEAs, judicial ecosystems, and citizens) officially kicked off in Warsaw. This initiative aims to address the rising threat of cybercrime, particularly the growing phenomenon of Crime as a Service (CaaS), which allows cybercriminals to offer illicit services, such as malware creation or DDoS attacks, through the dark web.
The GANNDALF consortium brings together 17 partners from 13 countries, including law enforcement agencies (LEAs), SMEs, industry, and research organizations, fostering collaboration to detect and disrupt these evolving cyber threats more effectively. The project will run for 36 months, from October 2024 to September 2027. The Cyber and Data Security Lab (CDSL) will contribute its expertise in legal and data management aspects of cybercrime, helping to develop innovative solutions to address modern cyber threats.