On 22 November 2021, Franck Dumortier is invited to intervene in the UB3 series. During his presentation Franck will analyze the security duty as imposed by article 32 of the GDPR in light of the recent interpretative work of data protection authorities as well as of European and national courts.
UB3 is a series of conferences organized by the French Bar Association of Brussels, the Faculty of Law and Criminology of the Free University of Brussels and the Faculty of Law of the University Saint-Louis - Brussels. Academics, magistrates and lawyers with a scientific activity share their knowledge on current and practical legal topics.
The details of this event are available here: https://lgo.avocats.be/event/ub3-module-2-le-rgpd-dans-la-pratique-un-exercice-d-equilibre-2021-11-22-2672/register