Evangelos Zarkadoulas
Since September 2022, Vangelis has been a Ph.D. Researcher at VUB's Faculty of Law and Criminology. His research focuses to the use of AI by Law Enforcement Authorities.
Initially, he graduated from the Hellenic Police Academy (Police Lieutenant's and Policemen Schools). Continuing his studies, he obtained a joint Master in European Union Law from the Open University of Cyprus and the European University of Cyprus.
As regards his professional status, Vangelis is a Senior Police Officer of the Hellenic Police, and his expertise is investigating public security serious crimes (criminal organizations, homicides, armed robberies, etc.). Currently, he is a liaison officer between the Hellenic Police and the EU for security issues as a Justice and Home Affairs Counsellor at the Permanent Representation of Greece to the EU. His portfolio entails the topics of internal security, cross-border police cooperation, and exchange of information in the Justice and Home Affairs field.
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1050 Brussels